Famous TV and film entertainer Ankita Lokhande as of late took to virtual entertainment to offer her profound thanks to prestigious movie producer Sanjay Leela Bhansali. In a sincere post, Ankita observed...
"Spy Princess: The Presence of Noor Inayat Khan" suggests the marvelous story of Noor Inayat Khan, a The Subsequent Excellent Clash gutsy woman who filled in as an English government usable in...
In a huge political improvement in front of the Haryana Gathering decisions, the Indian Public Congress (INC) and the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) have started conversations on a potential seat-sharing game plan....
Yet again lady Sarah Story has carved her name into the archives of Paralympic history by winning her eighteenth gold award at 46 years old, opposing both age and the difficulties presented...
The Labor and products Duty (GST) Chamber of India is supposedly taking into account a decrease in the expense rates on life and health care coverage charges. This possible move, whenever executed,...
Creators: Sonu Sood (co-wrote by Meena K. Iyer)
Distribution Date: December 2020
Distributer: Penguin Irregular House India
Outline: "I'm No Savior" is a self-portraying account by Indian entertainer and donor Sonu Sood, co-wrote by writer...
In a stunning new development, famous YouTuber Rajat Dalal gave up to the police following his contribution in a crazy driving episode that has started boundless public clamor. The episode, which happened...
India's Nithya Sre Sivan made the country pleased by getting a bronze decoration in the SH6 classification at a new worldwide badminton title. The SH6 grouping is for competitors with short height,...